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četrtek, 15. avgust 2013

A cat and his magical glasses

Once upon a time there lived a cat, who was very bitter. He was always complaining about something. When it was raining, he was annoyed at getting wet. When the sun was shining, he was irritated by the bright sunlight. When it was cold, he searched for his winter coat in anger and when it was hot, he hid in shade and grumbled that he was sweating.

One day the weather conditions were almost perfect for the cat. It was not hot, but also not cold. The clouds were hiding the sun, but it was not raining. Since he could not complain about the weather, he got out of his cat hole to see what was wrong with the world, because there was always something wrong! On his way he saw a young girl approaching him. “Look!” he said to himself. “That girl has no sense of style. A red shirt does not go with a pink cardigan!” said the cat as if he were an expert.

He walked on and saw a mother with a child. “Tut-tut,” thought the cat and shook his head. “Just look at her! She is not fit to raise a child. She could at least comb her hair,” said the cat and went forward. He arrived at a cafeteria and saw a boy enthusiastically writing something on a piece of paper. “There is no point in writing, boy! No one is interested in your novel!” shouted the cat and started laughing spitefully. “What an idiot,” the cat thought to himself and went forward.

A few cat meters on the cat saw unusual glasses lying on the floor. “The man, who lost them, can count himself lucky. They are horrible!” said the cat. But something about the glasses attracted the cat. He stepped closer and put them on. He intended to look at himself in a window of a nearby store and prove once again that the glasses were horrible. But something completely different happened.

The moment he put the glasses on the world suddenly became beautiful. The sun, which had come in view, was not annoyingly hot, but was rather pleasant. He felt some kind of lightness. As if all his bitterness has disappeared and made him weightless. He saw beauty everywhere he looked. The birds were not squealing but were singing beautiful songs. Children were not audacious when they came to stroke him, instead he felt their tenderness and love.

He became so fond of the glasses that he decided to take them home. On his way back he passed the cafeteria, where the boy was still writing. Now the cat saw the boy’s joy of writing and he was pleased for him. “Write, young boy, write,” thought the cat and went on. He then met the mother with the child, who he had despised before. Now he only saw love the mother felt for her child. He did not even notice her looks! In the end he saw the girl, whose red and pink combination of clothes was very becoming. “How could I have thought these two colours do not match?”

When he finally arrived at his cat hole, he heard a loud laughter from above. “Ha ha ha, look at it, a cat with glasses!” he heard. He looked up and saw a man pointing at him and laughing. “Is your eyesight going bad? Ha ha ha!” shouted the man. But our cat did not mind being laughed at. He did not resent the man. “If only he could have such glasses as I have,” wished the cat and disappeared into his cat hole.

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